Together with the Costa Rican Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, IFOAM and Hivos, Smaackmakers is organising the first workshop of the Flagship Programme ‘Sustainable Gastronomy as a leverage for Sustainable Food Systems’.
This multi-stakeholder learning workshop on “Sustainable, healthy & inclusive gastronomy as a key driver for sustainable food systems” is o be held in San José, Costa Rica, on the 1st and 2nd of February 2019.
Here I may also present the Smaackmakers Approach towards sustainable food environment and Sustainable catering. And Of course we can learn from other best practices on Sustainable gastronomy from around the world.
Desired outcome of the 2 day workshop is an Approach on Sustainable Gastronomy that can be adjusted to different cultures and to be implemented in regions throughout the world.
Want to know more? Do contact me!
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