
10 things that scream for food environment change!

We are stuck. At least when it comes to our food system.
I hear you ask: “Why? I can buy anything I want, at any moment I want it, on every corner that I pass and it is all pretty much affordable. It is like a food paradise!”

Indeed the abundance of food around us gives us the impression that ‘it couldn’t get any better’. But if you look closer, or actually: if you zoom out a bit, then you see that it is not just flaws in our system… They are huge problems!

Watch our video (1,5min only): “Why our food environment screams for a change?”

Want to know more? Read the full report (also in English) and listen to our guest episode “How to improve our food system” as a part of the podcast “Rebuilding a more sustainable world” by The Planet Calls.

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